Every commercial cleaning company says the same thing: that they’re the best. They claim they have the best team, the best equipment, and the best results for the best price. But being “the best” is a tall order that most janitorial services just can’t fulfill in reality. When the cleanliness of your commercial property is at stake, do your janitorial cleaning services deliver on all of their promises?

Commercial janitorial services that don’t live up to their hype will leave you with a still dirty facility and a smaller bank account. Why is it so hard to find a trustworthy commercial cleaning company that will not only talk the talk but walk the walk and actually clean as well as they claim to? 

Well, here are a few reasons why so many commercial janitorial services fail to deliver on their promises of superior service and quality and how you can find a commercial cleaning company that won’t let you down. 

#1: They Aren’t Local

Big-name national janitorial companies get a lot of business because they are well-known and facility managers assume they know what they’re doing since they’re so large. But running a successful business and providing high-quality janitorial services are two different things. While big companies are good at the former, they often skimp on the latter and leave you with less than stellar results. They also aren’t known for great customer service, and it’s almost impossible to build a real relationship with them. 

If you want janitorial services you can trust to do a quality custom cleaning job, you’re better off hiring someone local. Local mid-sized commercial janitorial services must rely on excellent work and customer service to compete in their market and win clients’ loyalty. They have more time to focus on individual clients and more motivation to stand out. If you want a company that’s willing to prove to you that they’re the best in their field, hire an area commercial cleaning company. 

#2: They Don’t Put People First

Commercial janitorial services are only as good as the people performing them. If you want your facility to consistently shine, you need the individuals cleaning it to be properly trained, reliable, and enthusiastic. 

Unfortunately, some bosses think anyone off the streets can clean if you hand them a vacuum and send them to a job site. That just isn’t true. Good employees take time to develop before they are capable of performing top quality services. Too many companies fail to make this investment, however, and expect new hires to pick up skills as they work. 

These are often the same companies who fail to perform adequate background checks on new hires too, sending unscreened employees to their clients’ properties. This creates a serious security risk. As a client, you have the right to feel confident that your commercial janitorial services are being performed by trustworthy individuals. 

If you want a cleaning job done right, you need a team of experienced professionally trained experts. Don’t hire commercial janitorial services if they don’t emphasize how they train and cross-train employees. Continual employee development is necessary to be a top performer in the commercial cleaning industry. 

Don’t entrust your facility to a company that doesn’t do employee background checks either. You should be able to trust any service provider on your property. If you don’t take the precautions to ask about employee screening and training beforehand, you may really regret it later. 

#3: They Don’t Offer Variety

No two commercial cleaning jobs are the same. Unfortunately, some cleaning companies ignore this fact and try to use a one-size-fits-all cleaning plan for all of their clients because their services just aren’t comprehensive enough. 

They may advertise floor care, but not for stone floors. They might clean bathrooms, but not clean the grout. When you hire one of these companies, you’ll find a lot of gaps in the results you get and may have to resort to hiring multiple companies to cover those gaps. 

Instead, look for a company offering comprehensive commercial janitorial services. That way you get all of the services you need from one contractor and know you’re getting the most value for your money. 

#4: They Don’t Clean for Health

Cleaning isn’t about just making your building look good. Health and sanitation are a major part of the equation too. Not all janitorial cleaning services understand this or put it into practice. When a commercial cleaning company fails to clean for health, they use poor cleaning techniques that spread bacteria or introduce dangerous chemicals to your environment. 

When shopping for commercial janitorial services, ask about their cleaning for health practices. You want a cleaner who trains employees to use smart cleaning techniques that sanitize surfaces, reduce the spread of bacteria, and implement green cleaning solutions. All of this will help keep visitors to your property safe and healthy. 

Commercial Janitorial Services You Can Trust

If any janitorial cleaning services are trying to tell you they’re the best, don’t just take their word for it. Look for proof. Shop around your local commercial cleaning companies and don’t settle until you find one that proves they are committed to providing their clients with exceptional personal service through comprehensive services, responsible hiring practices, healthy cleaning techniques, and industry certifications. 

When the health and cleanliness of your facility are on the line, don’t trust just anyone. Go with the commercial janitorial services who not only say they’re the best but show that they are. 

When you need superior janitorial cleaning services in New Jersey, put Fundamental Cleaning to the test. As your local building service contractor, we provide a full range of commercial janitorial services performed by our knowledgeable cleaning technicians. We love building relationships with our clients by giving them the quality, custom cleaning they deserve. 

Our services are designed to give your building a sparkling, healthy cleaning done right every time. Request a quote today for janitorial cleaning services you can trust from Fundamental Cleaning! 

Hoboken, New Jersey