With the brunt of winter behind us, now is the perfect time to have take advantage of our program designed specifically with K-12 schools in the New Jersey and NYC areas  in mind.  Fundamental Cleaning is the responsible on-site cleaning service you need to manage your school facility daily and by giving the floors the extra care they need we’re able to ensure that the floor care is consistent and of the quality that the facility & campus deserves.

Have the winter storms tracked in lots of dirt that’s getting ground into your school’s hallways and classroom floors?  Could the restroom floors use a deep clean? Does the entryway floor need a polish? April break is right around the corner, consider Fundamental Cleaning to put your mind at ease! Regular cleaning and maintenance can extend the life of floors for years, saving facilities managers money on costly repairs, and keeps the property looking bright and well maintained year round.

If you’re a janitorial manager or campus facilities manager with projects that need to be taken care, call now for your free quote!